Seminar Master Colloquium

Yesterday (8 July 2013), I went to seminar who was held in my campus (Gunadarma University) at Kenari, Central Jakarta. The title of seminar was “Seminar Master Colloquium”.

I went to the seminar with my classmates, such as “Tatang”, “Maulana”, “Mamat”. Maybe, you know them? I think so. 😀

From Simatupang to Kenari. The distance is so so, not near and not far. But, I don’t know path to get there. So, I have to go together with my friends. We ride a motorcycle. In indonesia it is known as “Konvoi“.

On the way, there was something funny. We were almost there, and I didn’t realize it. I was riding in the front of my friends. They turned to the left, while I went straight. When I looked back, they have lost. 🙁

I was confused. Where did they go? I tried to find my own way. Hahaha. Finally, I got there and I met them all. 🙂 After that, we went to the 2nd floor of the campus Gunadarma Kenari.

After waiting fo a while, we entered the seminar room.

At this seminar, there are 6 speakers. The speakers are a student from Gunadarma University.

  • Mara Nugraha – Pengenalan Wajah dan Pengenalan Suara sebagai Indera pada Robot
  • Nurfajria Muchlis – Implementasi Neural Network untuk Prediksi Hasil Pertandingan Kejuaraan Sepak Bola Eropa 2012
  • Hadyan Taris Akbar – Pemanfaatan Natural Language Processing untuk Analisis Sentimen pada Situs Mikroblog Twitter
  • Eko Yudiatmoko – Penerapan Web Semantik pada Proses Pembuatan Reporting
  • Syafrizal Adi Saktia – Asset Management & Challenge On System Development
  • Andre Pratama – Work Flow Document System with Integration Data
  • Marni Indriati – Penerapan e-Resep pada Rekam Medis Elektrenik Klinik menggunakan OpenEMR

Here was a photo. I found it from Mr. I Made’s photo album on Facebook. 😀

seminar master colloquium

I think the list topics of seminar was so amazing. And I hope, I can be like them one day.

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PMG Ahli Pertama, Bidang Manajemen Database at BMKG
Seorang pemuda luar biasa yang mempunyai hobi menulis, membaca, dan bermusik. Tertarik dengan bidang ilmu komputer untuk memecahkan beberapa persoalan. Co-Founder Triglav ID dan Co-Founder METLIGO. Sejak tahun 2018 bekerja di BMKG di bagian Pusat Database.

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