Koneksi Tableau Desktop ke Database MySQL

Terkait langkah-langkah mendownload driver MySQL, dapat diakses pada link berikut ini: https://www.tableau.com/support/drivers

Sesuaikan versi tableau Anda:

Tableau Desktop: 2019.3 – 2023.3

If you don’t have MySQL drivers installed, follow the steps to install the Windows driver for MySQL. We recommend that you install the latest MySQL 8.0 driver.

Tableau Desktop: 9.3 – 2019.2

If you don’t have MySQL drivers installed, follow the steps to install the Windows driver for MySQL.

Important: There have been some cases where MySQL driver 8.0.x can’t connect to MySQL 5.x database. Therefore, we strongly recommend you use the latest driver version that most closely matches the database version you need to connect to. For example, if you connect to a 5.x database, use the latest 5.x driver.

Tableau Desktop: 8.2 – 9.2

If you don’t have MySQL drivers installed, follow the steps to install the MySQL Windows driver on your computer.

Important: There have been some cases where MySQL driver 8.0.x can’t connect to MySQL 5.x database. Therefore, we strongly recommend you use the latest driver version that most closely matches the database version you need to connect to. For example, if you connect to a 5.x database, use the latest 5.x driver.

The following two tabs change content below.


PMG Ahli Pertama, Bidang Manajemen Database at BMKG
Seorang pemuda luar biasa yang mempunyai hobi menulis, membaca, dan bermusik. Tertarik dengan bidang ilmu komputer untuk memecahkan beberapa persoalan. Co-Founder Triglav ID dan Co-Founder METLIGO. Sejak tahun 2018 bekerja di BMKG di bagian Pusat Database.

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